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10 Simple Ways To Take Care Of Your Laptop

cleaning laptop

Most people who are active prefer to be able to use a laptop over a desk computer that cannot be moved. In this day and age, students, novelists, salespeople, and entrepreneurs rely on their laptop computers to complete their work and homework, communicate with friends, sort through spreadsheets, and write memos.

You can choose the level of power your laptop should have depending on your needs. The reason laptops cost so much more (sometimes much more) than desktop PCs is because they offer a greater number of features. You can compare prices by looking at the flyers of office supply stores and electronic retailers.

In light of the fact that laptops are expensive to replace, it is essential that you know how to take care of them. Investing in something like this is a wise move. If you are planning to buy a new Apple laptop, you can sell old apple products for a nice trade-in. There is probably no need for you to think about how gently your laptop is treated. In addition to taking your laptop everywhere with you – on a plane, to a coffeehouse, and on overnight trips and vacations – be careful not to damage it.

There’s a good chance you’re plugging in more devices and changing media (disks and thumb drives) than you would on your desktop computer. You should know how to take care of your trusty working companion all the more. The following tips will make the process easier for you.

1. Give Your Battery A Break

You can prolong the lifespan of batteries by doing a few things, but none of them will prevent them from dying. Your laptop battery will quickly deplete if you keep it plugged in, according to Wired. Lithium-polymer batteries are susceptible to this since they work differently from normal batteries.

Whenever a lithium-polymer battery cell is charged, it achieves a voltage level according to the charge percentage. Voltage levels above a certain point place the battery under more stress. You should let the battery drain to 40 percent after mounting an 80 percent charge on the battery.

The battery life is extended by up to four times when you do this. As well as being bad for batteries, heat is also bad for electronics. In the course of their useful lives, batteries will degrade naturally; however, extreme heat can accelerate that process by expanding and bubbling the cells. Make sure you don’t block the fans, keep the laptop off your lap, and keep pillows away from the fans. You want to make sure the fans are free to circulate air.

2. Clean Your Hard Drive

A mobile professional can accumulate a lot of unnecessary files on their laptop hard drive over the course of one month. Check out your hard drive once a month and see what files you may have missed. Determine which were to be stored somewhere for future reference and which were to be trashed after reviewing these files.

A backup of your files on an external drive can also be done here (see steps 4 and 5). Furthermore, you should properly uninstall programs that you download every now and then when they are no longer needed, especially if you download them on a regular basis for trying out new projects. Having a clean hard drive will make it run more smoothly.

3. Clean Your Screen And Keyboard With Proper Stuff 

Your computer will not last as long if you fail to clean it regularly. Think about the abundance of crumbs, skin cells, and dirt that find their way into your keyboard over time. Imagining all that grime accumulates overtime must be such a pain. I don’t like what I see.

By investing in a safe computer cleaning product, you can prevent dirt and grime from gathering on your computer. You can read product reviews before buying these cleaning materials for your laptop to ensure that you are getting the best product your laptop needs. You should use pre-moistened screen wipes to clean your screen. Water is present in these items, so they won’t harm your screen and will actually improve clarity.   

4. Keep Your Laptop In A Clean And Dust Free Room

It may cause many problems over time if it is kept near windows or used in places covered with dust. The heat-escape routes will be blocked over time, allowing it to heat up faster than usual. If you wish to avoid those problems, an area free of dust is the best choice for your workplace.

5. Keep Food And Liquids Away

In general, you shouldn’t allow liquids to touch the laptop, as liquids and food can damage it. You might spill the entire liquid all over your keyboard with just one incorrect move, but the consequences are less than welcoming. It is possible for food particles to fall and get stuck between the keys on your keyboard, creating an ugly appearance as well as damaging your PC.

6. Get Padded Protection For Your Laptop

Consider a laptop sleeve, laptop case, or laptop book bag in order to carry your computer around. If you have a sleeping bag or pillow, you could make your own. If you drop your laptop a few times it may crash, and all your important documents will be lost.

7. Accessorize It

It is possible to maintain the built-in components and hinge longer by using accessories such as an external keyboard, mouse, and monitor. These can be inexpensive. In addition, even if one of those components in the laptop becomes malfunctioning, it remains a usable machine if you find external replacements for those components.

A dock or hub, which allows you to connect external devices, is worth getting if you’re always moving between your desktop locations. Thus, the connections will not be constantly being plugged in and out. As another perk, you’ll be able to extend the life of your laptop with the additional ports.

8. Software Updates

Additionally, you should update the software on all your other computers in the same way you update your antivirus and firewall software. Many of these updates take care of security issues so you can keep your laptop and data safe while traveling. While you can perform updates as they are released, we suggest doing so once a month to avoid disruptions and make better use of your time.

9. Keep It Cool

Keep the computer cool just like the battery is important, but the rest of the components are just as important. Make sure the airflow is unobstructed by placing it above items that can collect heat. By keeping the vents open, you will also keep your lap free of hot air. It will also perform optimally if it is kept at an even temperature when the weather is extreme.

10. Use Anti-Virus

In order to protect your computer, you need to install antivirus software. Keeping viruses away and safeguarding your files, documents, and other information can only be achieved in this way. In addition to slowing down your computer, viruses can also cause the system to crash. So, make sure you have an anti-virus program.

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