Businesses of every type are becoming more and more mobile, with 54 percent of all small businesses having to use vehicles to conduct their day-to-day activities, according to a survey by Manta. In a world where business is no longer only done in-store or over the phone, it might be time to purchase a vehicle that is supported by good car insurance to secure your investment.
But how do you know if your brand is truly ready to make a huge investment? If you’re wondering whether you may be part of that 54 percent, check out these three reasons to find out if purchasing a vehicle for your small business.
Making Sales Pitches and Deliveries
If your business often needs to transport sales personnel to meet clients and make presentations, pitches, and sales, then it would definitely benefit from having its own company car.
An alternative to this would be to let sales personnel use their own vehicles and allocate a gas allowance, but that would only work if at least one of them has a car that can accommodate all members of the sales team. However, if your business frequently transports personnel from place to place, purchasing a vehicle would be more economical than hiring an outside courier.
Performing Specific Functions
Certain businesses handle sensitive equipment and can only be transported by appropriate vehicles. For example, a catering company would need a van with the proper storage features to carry all the company’s service items.
Otherwise, business owners may find that they would need cars with specific features to help them with their business activities, such as GPS displays for navigating unfamiliar locations. When looking for such cars, it’s important to browse reviews from reputable sources to gain valuable insight before making your purchase.
Advertising Your Brand
Rather than paying taxi or bus companies to plaster your brand on their vehicles, you can purchase a company vehicle and do your own advertising. Getting your business’s name out to the community is just as vital as advertising online and having a website.
Even driving around dense population centers in a car to raise public awareness about your company and what it does should raise your bottom line some. This works even better when paired with handing out flyers or giving demonstrations to the public.
For many companies, investing in a business vehicle is the next big step in their growth for expansion. If these reasons seem applicable to you, then perhaps it’s time to give serious consideration if a company car would increase your business revenue.