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Best Internet Safety Apps for Parents to Keep Their Kids Safe Online

safe apps for kids

The internet has completely changed the world as we know it, opening up entirely new opportunities and transforming so many aspects of day-to-day life. Everything seems to occur online nowadays, from communications between friends, family, and work colleagues to shopping, banking, education, and more.

In many ways, this is simply extraordinary, and it’s fair to say that the internet offers a long list of undeniable benefits. However, for parents, in particular, its capabilities can be something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, online access can be helpful for parenting tips, as well as for entertaining and educating children. On the other hand, it also brings a lot of new risks.

There are many cases of children being groomed online, having to put up with cyberbullying, and being exposed to adult content or offensive materials that could lead to severe mental trauma, and there are many other online risks for parents to worry about as well, which is why online safety for families is absolutely essential.

The Importance of Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

There are many challenges that come along with being a parent, and in the modern era, one of the biggest challenges for you to face is finding the right balance between letting your kids use and enjoy the internet, while also protecting them from its many risks. This can be something of a tricky tightrope to walk, but it’s such an important thing to get right.

We’ve seen many situations in which children have been harmed, physically and emotionally, via the internet, and even sites as simple as Facebook and YouTube can be terrible for their mental health when used in excess or when not used safely. Cyberbullying, for example, is a major issue on social media, and YouTube videos may contain or discuss content that isn’t suitable for young viewers.

This is why parents need to be proactive, keeping an eye on the sites, services, and apps their children use, as well as making sure to speak with them regularly about the dangers and risks that may be present online. To help out, here are some of the best apps you can install on family-used devices to protect minors.

YouTube Kids

Many kids love YouTube. The video-sharing site has been a huge hit with people of all ages, and children can enjoy a wide range of educational and entertaining video content, right at the touch of a button. However, YouTube also contains millions of videos on all kinds of topics, discussing everything and anything. YouTube Kids helps to keep the focus firmly on child-friendly content, is specifically designed for child use, and containing nothing but videos that are suitable for children.

Google Family Link

Google seems to have some kind of app or tool for almost everything we need, including the Google Family Link tool for parents who want to keep their kids safe online. This child safety app, which is totally free to use, lets you track child device activity, have the final say over any new app installations, manage app purchases, hide unsuitable apps, and set parental limits.


Kidgy is another online safety app for families that has a great range of features and tools to help kids stay safe online. It lets parents keep track of what their kids are doing on the internet, blocking certain sites that may contain offensive or inappropriate content, but Kidgy goes even further than that. It also lets you track the location of your child, in real-time, giving you an extra level of protection for when your kids aren’t at home.

Kaspersky Safe Kids

Kaspersky is a leading light in the world of online safety and security, and the Kaspersky Safe Kids app is a clear example of what this brand can do to help families enjoy the internet with minimal risk. This app lets you monitor activity, block adult sites, keep track of which apps your kids are using, and more, as well as being able to set screen time limits and giving you extra tips and tricks from licensed psychologists regarding child safety and how to teach kids about the perils of the internet.

Final Word

These are just some of the many apps out there you can download for free today to give your kids the protection they need to stay safe every time they head online, and just one of these apps can make a real difference for your family’s safety and happiness.

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