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Career Pathways to OPT as a Data Analytic Expert

Data Analytic Expert

Since the dawn of the internet, millions and trillions of bytes of data generated every day. With modernization and upgrades in technology, there are a lot of incomprehensibly large data warehouses. We are relying on data every single minute. If you are leaving your house and you open up the map to check which route has less traffic and how much time it will take to reach your destination.

You just viewed estimated data that might assist you in planning your commute route and running other errands if you have some spare time. With the advancement in technologies and gadgets, we have now become more digital than ever.

Be it your diet plan or calorie count, we enter some information to gain more knowledge. The whole world is running on data, from a business to an individual; everyone is reliant on a specific set of information or data. Understanding data and extracting valuable information from a large pool is indeed a challenging task. The new era revolves around staying ahead of others, and that is only possible if you know the perfect use of information that can benefit you.

Analyzing data to decide what information is valuable to you requires a specific skill set and knowledge. Businesses and many other industries are always in dire need of someone who can extract reliable information and help them plan strategies to incorporate into their strategy.

Many companies hire people who have knowledge and skills for data analysis. You can get a data analytics degree online or regularly from any reputable university or institute. Data analysts or data scientists have a vast variety of career pathways to continue and earn good money. Following are the career pathways that one can avail of as a data analytics.


We know very well that information is currency. If you have gathered resourceful information for your business, you can touch the sky. The system analysts implement requirements by analyzing problems, finding appropriate solutions, and designing testing solutions.

As a system analyst, a candidate has to be well versed in technical expertise, creating opportunities for their employers to benefit them with the best of strategies and solutions. System analysts can use third-party tools, or they can develop new tools by utilizing their understanding of business and incorporating their data analytics knowledge.


The healthcare industries deal with thousands of incoming and outgoing patients and numerous medical records. Healthcare data analysts play a crucial role in assisting doctors and other healthcare professionals in finding answers and solutions to problems they encounter daily.

With the increasing demand of people’s need for healthcare services, the data is rapidly growing. The data can be in the form of a wearable data recorder like those smartwatches, or lab results submitted at a hospital. Maintaining, storing, and tactically handling such vast information needs a proficient data analyst to do the job.


Market research is the core of every emerging or stable business if it aims towards success. Modern marketing tactics are way more refined than in the past. Marketing agencies and firms strive to keep up with all the traffic, engagement, and best consumer trends.

A business can only succeed in pivoting the perfect marketing campaign if it knows the excellent ways to analyze data and position it to function. A market research analyst helps a business to identify the trending product in the market, how to promote it, and recognize the target audience. Business relies on digital analytics, and research analysts help them to flourish further by using the information present at hand.


Operations analysts are bridges between a company’s raw resources and intelligently guided management staff. Operations analysts are present internally at every company, but they can also offer their services as a consultant. Operations analysts assess the internal procedures of a business, such as reporting systems, product manufacturing operations, and general streaming operations.

Operations analysts with technical and business knowledge are highly sought after by large companies. Operation analysts also contribute to the decision-making processes of business leadership and can guide them to boost their business operations effectively.


Data analytics is a vast field that equips a person with the expertise to fit in a variety of working domains. As data scientists, their role is to collect and analyze information and communicate the insights to concerned authorities. Data scientists possess knowledge about analysis tools, programming languages, and data visualization skills.

A data scientist shoulders the responsibility of assessing the information from a more critical perspective to come up with predictable insights that can help a company to stay ahead of the curve. A data scientist with adequate knowledge of data analytics is always in demand.


The data generated by users over the internet or using various apps is beyond our measure, and it is rapidly increasing. We all are relying on data in one way or the other. Be it a footstep tracking app, a simulating app, or our Google map, we are utilizing data consistently, and at the same time, we are also pooling the information to the data pool.

Data analysts have been assisting various companies in identifying their information resources and converting them into comprehensive reports that can boost a business and a company’s worth on the whole. There are diverse pathways that await individuals with a degree in data analytics. They can contribute their commendable skills for the betterment of national economic outcomes by assisting different businesses.

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