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Here Is How You Can Gain More Traction Through Voice Recognition Technology On Your App

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Man is a gregarious animal and loves communicating with fellow human beings. Right from the time you are born, you rely on your voice for communication. It is undoubtedly the best communication tool one could have.

With technological advancements, the recent decades have led humans to come with computers, mobiles, and AI systems that are capable of interpreting voice. 

A look at the history of voice recognition would reveal that Bell Laboratories was the pioneer in this field when they launched AUDREY in 1952. AUDREY was capable of interpreting single-digit numbers. About half a decade later, Apple launched Siri in their iPhone 4s.

Over the years, people got comfortable talking to an AI-powered machine, and Google, Microsoft, and Amazon launched Google Now (2012), Cortana (2013), and Alexa (2014), respectively. 

Today, voice recognition is more than just a smartphone and laptops, gaming consoles, smartwatches, lights, and a host of other electronic gadgets run on AI-powered voice recognition.

All of this makes it the perfect time for you to jump on the bandwagon and introduce voice recognition in your application. This article tells you all that you need to know about getting better traction with voice recognition technology.

Seamless & Faster Shopping Experience

E-commerce has gained immense popularity in recent years, and the dwindling patience of the average individual has further contributed to this trend. In such a situation, if your shopping app has voice recognition technologies, you will enable a faster shopping experience for your customers.

That way, the customers can directly ask for the things they are looking for, add them to the virtual basket, and proceed to checkout. From a customer’s viewpoint, this translates to cutting down on time needed for weekly grocery shopping. That way, a convenient shopping experience ensures that the customer stays loyal to the brand.

Break Barriers Through Voice Shopping

Advancements in mobile technology have brought the world to your fingertips. However, your customers still need to get the device out of your pocket, unlock it, look for the app, open it, wait for it to load, and then search for a product. As a brand, you can leverage the power of voice recognition to allow customers to make purchases in a matter of minutes.

That way, they just need to take out their phone and tell it what they want. Your app will look for it and give it to them in a form they find comfortable. 

Enable a Conversational Experience for Your Customers

These days, most brands focus on search engine optimization to gain digital visibility. While this is a welcome step, the other side of the coin is the fact that the focus on SEO often compromises the conversational aspect of marketing. 

Understand that while SEO may help a potential customer locate you, the reality is that when someone visits your application, they look for a conversational and helpful result.

It is here that the role of voice technology comes into the picture. With AI-powered voice solutions, you can take a straightforward approach wherein the voice assistant answers any explicit questions that customers may ask in real-time. 

That way, you ensure a convenient app browsing experience, thus leading to better traction for your business.

Foster Better Cross-Selling in the App

If you are a brand that sells different genres of products, then having voice recognition technology is an absolute necessity for you. Such technology will make it easier for you to recommend products to interested customers. 

Your customers are more likely to respond to a recommendation they hear rather than one they see in print. To understand this better, let us consider a situation wherein a customer is purchasing their weekly groceries from your brand with a voice assistant. 

When they are done with the shopping and are just about to proceed to the payment gateway if the voice assistant tells them of an offer they can avail if they purchase one more product, the customer is likely to act on it. 

Understand that in today’s time, it is more about the timing of the information rather than the information itself, and with voice technology, your brand can leverage this.

Personalize Customer Journey with Voice Recognition

As an individual, you can tell a lot about a person from their voice. Voice recognition technology leverages the power of AI to tell you the speaker’s sex, approximate age, enthusiasm level, and other details. Such data will help you understand the customer better and provide personalized suggestions.

When the customer is given a tailored shopping experience, they are likely to feel involved. By providing something relevant to their taste and needs, you increase the chances of a purchase. That way, you lay the foundations of a healthy business relationship making the customer more likely to choose you over the competition even on their future purchases.

Make Your Brand Heard

At the core of marketing strategy lies the need to make the brand heard. With voice recognition technology incorporated into a mobile app, it becomes easier for you to establish the brand identity

From a catchy brand tagline that is often mentioned by the voice engine to witty conversations with the AI-based chatbot, there is a lot of room for experimentation.

You can also leverage the power of voice technology to provide valuable content to your potential customers. These may range from coming up with ways to create your own radio station app free to suggesting creative time pass ideas based on one’s mood. 

If you can encourage customers to engage with your chatbot, they will spend more time on your app and are more likely to shop from you.

Understand that in today’s times, having a voice-enabled app is no longer a luxury for your brand. If you dream of your app becoming popular, you just cannot ignore this functionality.

With major content and e-commerce apps offering these features, new-age customers will soon expect this from all Android and iOS apps. Unless you want to be left behind, this is the perfect time for you to join the voice recognition bandwagon and give your business the boost that it deserves.

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