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Hosted Email Archiving – 5 Minute Primer for IT Managers

Hosted Email Archiving

Email is a simpler and more convenient way of communication and it is the primary method for many organizations to interact. When it comes to an email form, mostly 50% of the sensitive data of any organization is stored here. When it is combined with strict email controlling policies certainly gives a headache to IT managers. The administration department also needs to safeguard important email records but also identify the associated costs and act as per the rules and regulations of the government.

Hosted email archiving provides a solution to all these problems and helps IT managers regulate their data using a single system provided by email archiving.

How hosted email archiving is useful?

The main reason to use hosted email archiving is that they take away a lot of the burden of the IT manager’s shoulders. Of course, email is quite crucial for any business these days, but it is also very difficult to regulate and retrieve the technical, legal, and business challenges.

Hosted email archiving applications are efficient enough to give you a better solution to such problems by parking the email of any business in a separate archive location that can be easily searched and indexed which is quite important to abide by regulations. A lot of hosting email archiving products include different methods of cutting down the high volume of data that should be stored.

E-discovery is the backbone of email archiving

E-discovery is an important aspect of email archiving. When you want to retrieve the information of any individual archived emails is where you look to trace the information in the first place.

Of course, it seems easy but handling the email archives jobs in an organization is quite a legal and technical challenge. Email is certainly the biggest platform wherein corporate data is stored and employees have the tendency to attach huge multimedia files. This is quite challenging for IT managers as they need to manage the size of mailboxes that belongs to different users with files that have email database for employees or quotas. This often leads to getting emails that aren’t searchable or backed up on the main server. These practices are not good from a business point of view as well as a legal point of view.

Hosted email archiving services

These types of complexities have made many firms switch to email archiving services so that they can reduce the hassles of archived data storage from the main business data point to point of promptly responding to e-discovery requests to a 3rd party.

For companies who manage less than 1000 mailboxes, it is an ideal choice to outsource their email archiving to a third-party email archiving service provider.

Apart from small organizations, many large firms are also shifting towards email archiving services considering its benefits from a financial point of view.

IT department and email archiving

In the past, companies used to depend on users to maintain their email archives. The IT department was asked to take a backup of the user’s email. Of course, the search process for messages wasn’t possible automatically. In case users need a specific email they used to spend days tracing it.

With email archiving the IT department has been relieved of the additional responsibilities of maintaining the archives of users.

Hosted email archiving comes with a lot of benefits that help the IT department focus on other tasks and ease out things that were time-consuming earlier.

Make sure you choose an email archiving company that offers you the things that you need.

Ability to absorb past emails

Look for an email archiving package that can absorb past emails. It is better to ensure that your service provider helps you absorb PST files or simply a current mail store. If this lacks there are chances of data loss.

A smooth and flawless archiving process

There are different methods to archive emails.

One solution can help archive emails that you get from the external network. Another solution is efficient to archive every single incoming as well as outgoing email irrespective of their origination.

Make sure you know about the email archiving requirements of your company before you opt for one.

High level of data redundancy

Data redundancy is important so make sure the data you own is scattered over several data centers. In case the data is corrupted due to a natural disaster you should be able to access the archived emails.

Thus choose a provider that offers a high level of data redundancy. Your company’s data will be at high risk without efficient redundancy.

Should abide by government rules

No matter which email archiving solution you select make sure it should abide by government rules. You can get into legal trouble if the provider is not flexible.

So do not fall prey to services that do not offer proper email archiving services.

Simple search and easy method to retrieve data

Do not just rely on your IT managers for handling email archives. If you rely on your IT managers for pulling out an email from archived emails then they will be overburdened with the extra workload. Of course, you want the IT managers to concentrate on their primary job.

Make sure you find an email archiving solution that is understood by even non-IT people.


Hosted email archiving services are really helpful for IT managers. This helps them cut down on extra workload and focus on different work which is more important. If you want your IT managers to focus on work that is more important than retrieving data or emails, then opt for an email archiving solution that suits your business needs and visit for better services. This will leave IT, managers, with less work on data retrieval and more time to focus on other things that add more value to your company

Email archiving solutions certainly reduce the burden of retrieving emails that consume a lot of time and course your confidential data is secured in archived emails. You just can pull out the required data without any hassles.

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