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How to create a comprehensive local content marketing strategy for your Hobart-based business?

content marketing strategy

Content has been marked out as one of the most critical factors in ranking high on the Search Engine Results page, what we know as SERP. Creating a comprehensive local content marketing strategy is not too complicated but still needs much effort and concentration. Various factors must be considered when talking about local content marketing, especially for Hobart, the capital of the most populated island in Australia. Every business needs to do content marketing, but all cannot do it using just one approach. Methods in using content marketing differ from business to business. So, how should it be done through Hobart? Let’s collect some deep information about it.

Your goal

“Why are you going to do content marketing?” this is the question you must ask yourself and your team. What is your purpose? Defining your business goals through Hobart will help you either omit or add some methods to your plan. Do you and your team want to do this just because you want to drive more organic traffic to your site, increase your conversion rate, and finally sell more? Content marketing is the state of using content, which can be podcasts, articles, videos …., to gain your business goals. Content will drive people to your site.

I highly recommend drawing a very comprehend business funnel to clarify each step of yours in marketing. Make it clear what you will do with people when they come across your page.

Target audience and solve their issues

Who do you want to enter on your page? Is it single people or married ones, people searching for a product, or the ones trying to gain some information about that product? It is crucial to clarify to whom you want to give services. People worldwide, Hobart is no exception, either searching to gather information or to buy some stuff.

It would be best to keep in mind when you want to create content and upload it on your blog to write informative articles or produce high-quality podcasts/videos that initially give people worthy information and then try to convince them to choose you for shopping. You are likely to be rejected or skipped if you just start telling them that you have the best quality stuff. Try to give them what they are looking for and then start suggesting what you want.

Social media

When it comes to local content marketing and SEO Hobart, you would better pay attention to social media. Being active on social media will can bring you many benefits. If your activities are around Hobart, people around you will see and remember you. Do not forget a point. Recognize what people around you most use on social media platforms. Most people around Tasmania choose Instagram as a handy platform to spend time with. Distinguishing the right platform increases your chance to be followed by local subscribers.

Another point worth mentioning is the type of content your target audience likes. People with different tastes show interest in various types of content. For example, if you possess a book shop, the best way to introduce your business to other people is by recording and sharing podcasts reading and defining books. When people listen to your podcasts, they will know you little by little. So, you will become their source for buying books. EZ!


If you have published many articles on your site and have not got excellent feedback, don’t worry! This can have several reasons why many people do not read your articles. The first and the most important reason can be plagiarism! If you have copied some sentences or paragraphs from the internet and added them to your blog, your articles are more likely not to be on the SERP. If you have not copied even a single word, it may be because the information you have mentioned in the content is not deep and practical.

Google has been trying to give the best answer to its users, so this search engine will do its best to list informative and unique articles on the SERP. To fix these issues, go back to your published articles and revise them; you can make them more specific by talking about Hobart. Add some worthy information to your blogs and update them. Never forget about the published articles on your site; try to keep all of them up-to-date.

Benefits of worthy articles

When you create and publish well-structured and informative articles, your link will show up on the SERP, which means people will click on your link and enter your page. This is how you receive organic traffic, but how will it benefit you? After having some top positions on the SERP, you must go back to those articles and create some internal links to other worthy pages on your site.

People who come across your page will click on those internal links and navigate through your pages. By doing this, your site’s dwell time rises, and google finds out that your content is good enough to answer people who search in that query. This amount of entry to your site increases your traffic, and you can monetize your site. Google will place some ads on your pages and pays for advertisements. Kill two birds with one stone!

Content schedule

It is important to note that you must have a content schedule for your blog or social media activities. As you live in Hobart, you may know when people are free and tend to work with their phones to search on the internet or spend time on social media. You do not have to choose a specific time, like 8 p.m. it is better to upload your videos and blogs in a certain period of time, like between 7 to 9 p.m.


It does not make a big deal if you do not use to have a strategy for content marketing, but from now on, you should have second thoughts in writing and publishing your content on the site or on your social media accounts. What other factors do you think matter in content marketing? Leave a comment!

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