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Internet of Things – What is IoT and Why is it Important?

Internet of Things

Chances are you have probably heard the phrase “Internet of Things”, or as it is often called IoT. But what is it really?  Why is it so important?

I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about technology, and I try to stay current on technological advances, at least for the most part. I am certainly no pro, but I like to understand the latest and greatest and decide what works best for me. However, the Internet of Things was admittedly, a little confusing for me at first. In fact, it sounded made-up, and I may have thought I simply didn’t hear the phrase correctly. Alas, the Internet of Things is a real phrase and I am going to try to break it down so it can be easily understood.

To put it as simply as possible, the concept of the Internet of Things is that everything electronic will somehow be connected to the internet. “Everything electronic” are the “things” in the phrase Internet of Things. It is the idea of having technology that is so advanced that every single electronic item can be somehow accessed or used somehow from the internet.

So sure, that sounds interesting, but what does it mean really? What can that kind of technology accomplish today and where do we see the IoT in the future?

Well to be sure, there are a ton of tech-savvy individuals who are part of the Internet of Things development service, finding new and exciting ways to make this technology useful for everyone, in all facets of life. In fact, you may already be using the Internet of Things technology and not even realize it.

If you have a Smart Watch, a Thermostat Control System that you access away from home, or a FitBit, you already use and benefit from the concept of the Internet of Things. IoT makes “dumb” devices into smart ones. The idea that you can connect any electronic item to the internet for easier use, remote use, or performance monitoring is all IoT. Your mobile phone will always be using the technology, especially if you are using IoT Sim Cards which means you can browse the internet, and control all those “smart” devices from anywhere in the world, essentially making life a lot easier.

IoT can be utilized by businesses as well. For example, for any business that has a warehouse management, or keeps stock on hand, having each part labeled with an electronic tag would enable the Warehouse Manager to keep a real-time accounting of stock. Purchasing could see with a glance when new items needed to be ordered. The amount of money that could potentially be saved on the lost or misplaced stock is enormous. From a sales perspective, understanding inventory and stock on hand make it much easier to provide appropriate lead time to customers. IoT can truly revolutionize many businesses.

Internet of Things technology is growing by leaps and bounds, but it is not without controversy and questions. Smart technology is truly amazing and has even improved the quality of life for patients with cancer and diabetes by creating devices that can monitor their current status relative to their illness. However, how much knowledge is too much? How much information about you, your home, your devices, and your health do you want to be attached to the internet?  If information about you and your smart devices is accessible by the internet, does that make you vulnerable to being monitored, or worse,  being manipulated?  Some people say yes, others are not so sure. 

Either way, IoT technology is here to stay, and as the Internet of Things development services teams all over the world find new ways to apply this technology, only time will tell if too much information is a good thing or a bad thing.

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