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Six Winning Ways To Battle Your League Of Legends Enemy

League Of Legends

When it comes to online gaming, League of Legends rules the industry. It is among the top three most played games in the world. Despite being good at the game at times, there are times when you aren’t sure how to defeat the enemy and win the game. No matter what strategy you use, it all goes in vain. You seem to be stuck, and your team can’t seem to get ahead no matter what you try.

Players are always passionate about progressing the level and gather virtual assets. It is a matter of pride to have more collectibles and earn as well if you get lucky. These days, geeks incline more towards cashing their talent and participating in competitions or trade game accounts. What could be more exciting than popping up your account with money earned out of fun and excitement?

Perhaps all of these ideas are quite alluring; some techniques can be your ladder to success. But if you consider a few things, you may get the chance to win a team fight once the game starts. These tactics and tips will help you reach higher ranks in less time.


You lose a lot of fights because you underestimate your opponent team. Some people launch into team fights without the proper tools or the right number of teammates. Recognizing that your team is weak or needs more tools to win from the opponent team is the smartest thing you can do.

For example, if your team is behind in gold compared to the enemy and uses tools and strategies you and your team cannot afford, you are sure to lose. On the other hand, the opposing team will get all the kills, dragons, and gold. Instead of falling behind a little, the loss will make you fall back a lot.

In such scenarios, the wiser option is to do objectives, get your vision in focus, or push out waves so that the enemy team is not gaining on your team in the game. You can closely observe the gold amount and kills to gauge how close your team’s power is to the enemy’s.


A “carry” in the game League of Legends is a term that describes the champion or player with potential. This player, in turn, has a strong influence on the outcome of the game. If it seems that your current role doesn’t have much potential to score a win, you can change up your parts if you buy lol accounts with high carry. With high kills and carry potential, you can ensure a monumental entrance in the team fight.

One way to deploy this method is to wait until the enemy team has spent their teammates’ abilities and enter the fray when they are weak and unprotected. To increase your carry potential, you will need to choose your role in the game carefully.


Knowing the difference between wave control in the early game and the middle or later in the game can give you the edge you seek. Your knowledge and understanding of wave control and how to use them can help you become a better player.

When you talk about wave control at the start, it is all about keeping it in its place and making sure it stays there. You can also manipulate it to force your opponents to lose experience and gold. On the other hand, middle to late game wave control is entirely different.

Wave control at this point in the game is about slow pushing. Between fights, there are times are spent on vision control, small adjustments, and pushing in the waves. If you master wave control management, you can trounce many difficult enemies.


Once you have gained power and are now ready to face the enemy team, there are a few tactics to keep in mind. First, check the mini-map in the game and count how many enemies you have. Also, you will be counting your allies and team members to know the probability of winning.

No matter where you are on the map, you should always opt to fight to a place where you have more allies and teammates on your side than your enemy. And even when your team’s number is equal to the enemy’s, use the tactic of plus one to take into the fight. It helps in tipping the scale your way and scoring you a win.


If you are the strong player on your team with the most gold and high kills, you will need to take the leadership role and control the playing field. You will need to organize and coordinate your team. As long as you lead and make yourself prominent during the fight and skirmishes, your teammates will follow your lead and get out of the problematic pothole.

Most of the time, when your team is at a disadvantage, they will be less coordinated and more rampant on their own. It means that it will get harder to grab objectives and make better attacks. So someone will need to take the initiative, and being the most well-fed and influential in the team, it will be your job.


If you see your team struggling against the enemy players, the one thing you can do in such a time is to roam the map. This way, you will get the needed skills. Such kills will not only get your team ahead in the game, but it will also make the opponent team drop control and coordination.

They will snowball out of control, and the win will be yours. In such a time, you can use tactics such as wave management to keep the enemies at bay and exploit them during such time pockets.

After you deploy a wave control, you will get the needed time to roam and exploit to gain gold, experience, and skills. You will also be forcing your enemy to drawback in such a situation and protect themselves or get killed. You are sure to win a game against your enemy if you use this clever tactic and disgruntle them before they gain any advantage on your team.


Sometimes it just may seem like an impossible feat to win against your enemy. Your teammates will make the same mistakes or get you at a disadvantage while correcting their errors. But there is always a way out of it with these creative tactics.

Such tactics may seem minuscule, but you will learn their impact when you the game tips to your advantage. When you face a disadvantage, these methods will work together to give you a chance at a comeback. If you use them correctly, it will only be uphill from there.

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