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The Top 12 Indicators That You Were Born to Be an Entrepreneur

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You’ve heard the parents of celebrities talking on TV saying that they knew from the moment their child was born that they were destined to be a star… But is that a true statement?

Can a parent look at their child the moment they were born and assume that they’d grow up to be Tom Cruise or Oprah Winfrey?

You never hear parents say that about their entrepreneur kids… Mark Zuckerberg’s parents probably weren’t able to tell from the moment he was born that he would grow up to be one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs in the world.

Sometimes parents just say things like that not realizing how untruthful they are… they’re just proud of who their child has become and understandably so.

Kids don’t typically start displaying acts of stardom until they’re three years old; they’re walking and talking at that age. Entrepreneurs don’t start showing signs of entrepreneurship until they’re older in adolescence but once those signs come through, it’s hard to ignore it or even fight it some people have mixed feelings about this.

The Great Debate: Are You Born to Be an Entrepreneur or Not?

Some people feel like you’re born with the mind and skillset to be an entrepreneur while others feel like it is a skill set that can be learned by anyone if they put their mind to it. Whether you feel like it’s something that can be learned or not, you can’t deny the fact that there are people out there that feel like they were born to be an entrepreneur.

Maybe their grandfather was an entrepreneur and they feel that entrepreneurship runs through their veins… whatever their reasoning may be, that’s their belief and no one can take that from them but if you’re someone who wants to be an entrepreneur but are unsure if it’s the right career path for you, here are 12 indicators that you may have been born to be an entrepreneur all along and didn’t realize it.

You’re Always Striving to Reach New Goals

One of the tell-tale signs of an entrepreneurial spirit is that undying drive that things can always be better and be done better… “good enough” is not even in your vocabulary. Being a business owner means continuously striving for success even though you may already be successful.

You’re constantly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. If any of this sounds like you, then entrepreneurship really might be running through your veins.

You Thrive When You’re in Control

Just because you thrive when you’re in control doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a bad thing. People like to say that a person is a “control freak” or has “control issues” when that’s not the case at all.

Enjoying being in control could simply be because you’re a great leader and when you peak or have ideas to present, people listen and want to hear what you have to say. This is a defining factor of a successful entrepreneur. If you thrive when you’re in control entrepreneurial life might have chosen you if you haven’t chosen it already.

Risks Don’t Scare You

To be an entrepreneur, you can’t operate out of fear…, to be an entrepreneur, you have to be the polar opposite and take risks. Have you heard the saying “scared money doesn’t make money?” Well, that statement is very true in the entrepreneurial world. It takes money to make money and if you’re scared to take certain risks, your business will never profit or grow.

Now, that’s not saying that you’re just out making reckless decisions putting your business at risk but you should be making calculated risks… risks that make sense. If you laugh in the face of risk, then you will make a smart business owner.

You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In

You feel like you don’t fit in as an adult and you never felt like you fit in as a kid… that’s okay though… they say it gets lonely up there at the top and it does if you’re a successful entrepreneur. But the thing about “fitting in” as an entrepreneur is that you were never meant to “fit in” if you think about it.

Entrepreneurs are innovators and outside-the-box-thinkers so fitting in isn’t in your DNA. If you ever have those feelings of not “fitting in” don’t feel bad… you’re just really smart!

Curiosity Has You Always Wanting to Learn

If you’re always eager to learn, this had to stem from when you were a child. You were that kid who always asked your teachers and parents “why?” It’s almost as though whatever answer you were given, you didn’t believe it and needed further convincing.

As frustrating as kids can be with asking why so often, the Huffington Post states that they don’t as to intentionally aggravate the parents, it’s genuinely their curiosity to learn. So if you had that curiosity as a kid and it’s still present today, the life of an entrepreneur might be in your near future!

It’s Time to Get Your Business Started…

If you’ve experienced any of these indicators at some point in your life then it’s high time that you stop fighting what’s in you and start your own business. It can be a business about anything you want, as long as it’s about something you’re passionate about.

So, the first thing you need to do is, establish your brand. The way you get your brand established is by first coming up with your business name and a domain name to match it. has a domain name search tool that will help you search and price domain names.

Once you type in your business name, it will give you a list of results with the available domain names based on what you want your business name to be. The results usually give you the option to choose between .com, .net, and .org. Once you have that, your business can take flight!

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