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Want to Build your Brand? Use Video Content

Build your Brand

If you plan on building your brand and increasing your sales, you need to have a solid content marketing strategy in place. Given the viral quality of video content, it is imperative to put out videos to expand your brand awareness and hammer away at your target audience.

According to statistics, 63% of businesses claim to use video marketing, out of which 82% maintain that they find video marketing to be a vital part of their marketing strategy. This is because video marketing gives you a good Return-on-Investment (ROI). Here’s why you should incorporate videos into your marketing strategy:

Your audience can consume and retain video content easily

There has been a significant decline in our attention span since the advancement of the internet, which means you should not expect your audience to read an entire blog post or report. If people want quick answers, you need to give them quick answers.

One of the best ways to do that is by creating short videos to answer specific questions to the point. This is a sure-fire method to win over even your laziest prospects.

Video content works well for the algorithm

All the leading platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and so on love video content. As you know, video can potentially go viral and increase your chances of retaining a visitor. In other words, your chances of ranking well on the search engine go up. In a nutshell, upload as much video content as you can to gain traction.

Want to build trust? Put out videos

Gaining your audience’s trust is incredibly important to build a brand and boost your sales. With the amount of competition out there and the number of charlatans in the market, you need to show your audience that you are a reliable brand. If you want to stay on top of the game in the long-run, trust is critical.

One of the best ways to do this is through video content. Since videos are real and humanize your brand, you stand a better chance of getting through to your viewers. Create educational, instructional, and promotional videos regularly to expand your brand. If your videos bring value to your audience, you can expect them to become loyal followers.

Videos ensure crystal clear communication

Videos serve a variety of purposes. You can create video tutorials, product launch videos, unboxing videos, and so on. Most brands tend to add a video to their landing pages. This is because videos make it vastly easy to communicate with your audience. Videos allow you to simplify complicated concepts and ideas and make them easy for the average Joe to retain.

As you do this, keep in mind that your videos need to be entertaining if you want people to watch them. Creating animated videos is an excellent way to boost your viewership since they can entertain and inform. Be sure to get yourself a free video editing software by Hippo Video.

Want to boost social shares? Use Videos

Boosting your social shares has become increasingly essential with the widespread use of social media. Since almost your entire target audience is on social media, posting content all day, you need to track your social shares if you want to expand your reach.

Until you have a solid strategy in place, you will have to experiment with different types and lengths of video content, depending on your niche, target audience, the social media platform you are using, your goals, and overall vision. You could choose from a variety of video types, including documentaries, music videos, animated videos, vlogs, and so forth. Once you figure out what works, stick to that and watch your social shares go up.

Which video trends should you follow?

You may have to get a hosting platform like Vidyard or an alternative to Vidyard by Hippo Video. Here are a few video trends to help you maximize your brand awareness:

Focus on storytelling

Your audience has a ton of options for content and information. They can look up a variety of sources for facts, stats, and so on. However, great stories that reek of emotion are not as common, which is why the brands that churn out excellent stories are able to hook a lot of viewers.

While the information you provide itself is important, you need to create stories that inspire emotion if you want your viewer to revisit you.

Go live every once in a while

Sure, vlogs, IGTV videos, webinars, and so forth can do the trick. However, you need to engage your audience every once in a while. The best way to do this is face-to-face and interacting with them in real-time. You can take their questions, reply to comments, address issues, promote your product, make announcements, and much more.

If you are looking for feedback, new ideas to create content, and ways to improve your existing content, going live is crucial. Use incentives to get people to attend your live sessions.

Stay on YouTube

If you create a ton of videos and want to market your brand, YouTube is the place to go. YouTube is the hub for video creators. Unlike other platforms, YouTube allows you to monetize your videos. If you manage to meet certain conditions, you stand a chance of becoming a partner as well. However, you will need to invest in video creation and marketing and follow specific marketing practices.

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