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What Are the Different Types of Employee Checks You Need To Do?

Employee Checks

If you are planning on hiring someone, you have to make sure you get the right person. There are numerous factors that you should consider if you are considering an applicant. Of course, you have to consider their educational training, their experience, and their skill-set.

You also have to think about their fit within the company. On the other hand, you also have to do a thorough background check. What are some examples of background checks that you have to complete? There are several examples that you should keep in mind.

Always Check Educational Credentials

First, you always have to vet someone’s educational credentials. Most people are going to look to their high school diploma, their college graduation, and in graduate education on their resume. At the same time, how do you know that someone is honest? You need to check their educational credentials.

Traditional institutions are going to expect you to call to verify someone’s education. Therefore, take a look at the year they graduated. Note the institution and the year. Then, place a call to these institutions and let them know that you are checking someone’s educational background. Most registrar offices will be more than accommodating, providing you with the information you need.

They may even provide you with someone’s transcript or their GPA. If you need this information, you need to let me know in advance. That way, they can get it to you on time. If someone has lied about their education, this is a major red flag.

Do Not Forget About Doing a Criminal Background Check

In addition, you also need to make sure you do a criminal background check. Most job applications are going to have a boxed to ask if someone has been convicted of a felony. It is important that you include this box as well. At the same time, this is not necessarily enough.

You should also do a criminal background check to see if there are any other incidents that need to be investigated. If you find something, you need to assess whether it is relevant to the job.

For example, if someone has a minor misdemeanor conviction from two decades ago, this is unlikely to be relevant. On the other hand, if there is a significant felony that took place recently, this is something that you need to ask about. You need to understand who you are putting around your other employees and customers. A thorough criminal background check will help you do that.

Remember To Check the Driving Record of the Applicant as Well

Finally, as part of an employer’s check, you also need to check the driving record of the applicant. If your company has commercial vehicles, you need to think carefully about whom you decide to hire. Think about how valuable this property is.

Then, think about the potential ramifications of a commercial vehicle accident. If you operate big rig trucks, you have to make sure the individual has the proper certification and licensing to operate this type of vehicle. If you have other types of heavy equipment, there might be other training certifications that have to be obtained.

As part of a driving record check, you want to check that only for these certifications but also moving violations or accidents that may have happened in the past. All of this is a potential reflection of how good of a driver that applicant is going to be for your company.

Vet All Applicants Before Making a Hiring Decision

These are a few of the many factors that you have to consider if you are thinking about hiring a new employee. You should make sure you understand who you are hiring. This is going to be important not only for the safety of your employees and customers but also for the effectiveness of your business.

If you take the time to hire the right people for the job, you will place your company in the best position possible to be successful. On the other hand, if you do not thoroughly investigate everyone you are thinking about hiring, you may be in for some rude surprises down the road.

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