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What is VPN and How to Choose the Best One


Every day when you access the Internet from your home computer or Windows laptop, you send a lot of personal and confidential information to the network, which may be of interest to your ISP, website owners, and, unfortunately, to intruders. In this article, we will tell you how to protect your data when working on the Internet if you have a computer with the Windows operating system.

What is a free VPN for Windows?

Free Vpn for WIndows or Vpn-client for Windows is a free software for changing IP and DNS addresses and encryption of data transmitted into the network, specially designed for computers (desktops and laptops) running on the operating system Windows. If the Vpn for Windows is running on your computer, the connection to the sites is not made directly, but through a VPN-server of your chosen Vpn-provider, so that no site can not know where you are from and what your IP address is. The data sent through the VPN program is also encrypted so that neither your provider nor any intruder knows what you write, what passwords you enter, and what sites you visit. The big advantage of VPN for Windows is that by masking your IP address and hence your location, you can visit sites blocked in your region and watch geographically restricted content. We’ll tell you how to get all these benefits by downloading a free VPN for Windows 10 or earlier versions of the operating system.

How to connect VPN on Windows for free

To protect your PC or laptop, it won’t be enough for you to download a free VPN for Windows. You also need a VPN server that your VPN program will connect to. To do this, you will need a VPN provider. Most VPN providers allow you to download a VPN client for Windows for free, but you have to pay for access to the server by buying a monthly, six-month, or yearly subscription. Some providers will let you use a VPN server for free, but think about why they do it, how they make money because it is hardly pure altruism. All these companies that claim to provide the best free VPN for windows collect data from users using free VPN servers and sell the bases to advertisers, and well, if only to them. Also, they most often have a limited amount of traffic transmitted by the user through the VPN, or the users of the VPN are forced to watch obtrusive ads. What to do? How to install a VPN on windows for free and without risk? We recommend that you study all the offers and choose the best VPN for Windows reliable and trusted providers.

What to look for when choosing a free VPN for Windows

What should be a good VPN provider that provides free VPN for Windows? First of all, go to their website to the Security Policy page. You should be interested in the section that talks about saving and making connection logs available to third parties. A reliable provider never saves logs, even if it allows its Windows customers to use a VPN server for free. The security policy concerning paid and free accounts should not differ – both there and the data transmitted via VPN should be reliably protected from falling into third hands.

Another important criterion is that a good provider should have a VPN with a trial period designed for different platforms. This will make sure that the provider’s developers have tested VPN on different versions of Windows, because someone needs VPN for free for windows 10, and someone is looking for a free VPN for windows 7. We do not need to tell you how different these versions of the operating system are.


Protecting your privacy on the Internet is very important, so don’t neglect it. Take care beforehand how to set up your anonymity on the Internet while you are working, so that intruders cannot intercept your data and use it against you and your company.


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